Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Rolled over by a Steam Roller

This was today's scheduled workout:

2 mile warm up
2 x (1600/800/400 w/ 2mr b/t)
5mr b/t sets
1600@ 9:05 - 9:11
800@ 4:24 - 4:28
400@ 2:08 - 2:10
1 mile warm down

This is what I actually did:

1.44 mile warm up
1 x (1600/800/400 w/ 2mr b/t) in 8:49, 4:07, 1:56
3 x 400 w/ 2 mr b/t in 1:57, 1:59, and 2:00

Of course I feel like I've been run over by a steam roller, but I'm not sure if it's because of the workout or because of the dumb time change. Before I started, coach had mentioned just doing one set--this was really a mental workout (and from what his blog said, a tough one that required lots of sleep). I tried hard not to look at my pace while I was running so I wouldn't freak myself out. Except when I thought I was going way too fast at the beginning of a couple of sets. Like the first one when I found myself going at about an 8 minute pace--not good if I want to do a whole mile and have something left. (I think if I only had to do a mile, I could do it in about 8). After I finished my first set, coach asked how I did--I told him I'd only finished one set, but gave him my times. He seemed to think I'd worked signficantly hard. When I mentioned I was thinking about doing some 800s instead of another set, he suggested 400s. Boy, I'm glad I didn't do the 800s. I am glad that I was able to do them all in 2 or under. I probably should have done the 4th 800, but I was pretty tired and want my legs to remember the pace I actually ran today. So, I did 2.5 miles with an average pace of about 8:19. I'm ok with that.

And I finished with two sets of core--since my workout was shorter, I was able to start with the first group and then when he announced a second go-round, I figured, why not. Dora gave me a hard time about it.

Driving to shower, I noticed that there was no way to see the bayou--the fog was so thick and up to the trees.

Apparently word gets around quickly--Pamela tells me she took time off the Bayou City 10k Race Committee but already knew that I'd asked to join the group! And, June is chasing me--I need to lose some weight so she can't catch me.

Tonight is Meet The Coaches for Jill B Nimble.

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