the trials and tribulations of an aspiring (wannabe) triathlete trapped in an attorney's body
Friday, November 13, 2009
L press
I'm still trying to think of what I can and should do paper wise for the wedding. I guess if I won the L Letterpress Tool Kit through the give-away (, I'd have even more ideas!
Well, I guess you've figured out that I'm interested in swimming, biking, and running. The problem with swimming is I really don't like to get wet and I have to wear goggles so I can keep my contacts on. Biking isn't so bad, but it's tough to find safe places to ride. And I think that all bikes should be blue. With the exception of my tricycle and my banana seat two-wheeler, all my bikes have been blue. Including the one I lost off the Pierce Elevated after a Moonlight Ramble and the one that got stolen out of my house. The 2 bikes I bought in 2007 were also blue. But, alas, one was stolen out of the car and its replacement is (gasp!) black (don't worry, it still has blue detailing). I don't know if it's fair to say that I like running, but when I'm running hard, I forget about almost everything else. I'm not terribly speedy, but I'm out there.
I also love being a student. I finished my 3d graduate degree, but it wasn't as academic as the last 2. Now, I'm working on an Associate's Degree in something totally different!
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