Wednesday, March 19, 2008


Well, I really didn't want to do speed work today. I didn't help that mom called at 11:15 to ask me to look up flight arrival times last night. Here's the workout:

2 mile warm up

Sub 22 min 5k then 6 Miles
Sub 28 min 5k then 5 Miles
Sub 35 min 5k then 4 Miles
of alternating 400M @
5k pace & @ Marathon pace
@ 2:19 & 2:34

1 mile warm down

When I arrived, I found that it was really windy. Again. I was really tearing up. I ended up shortening the workout.

I did my fast 400s in between 2:09 and 2:17. I'm not sure what my slower 400s were, but they might have been a bit too slow. Then I wimped out and only did 3.5 miles of 400s after doing a 1.4 mile warm up. I didn't do a cool down, but I did do the 5 minutes of core. Coach said he was going to run, but only after going home and napping first.

Today was Spruce Up Your Office day. I did clear of parts of my desk and unearthed some of the things I knew were down there.

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