Sunday, March 9, 2008

Spring is in the air

and it means I can't breathe. I know I wheezed all night Friday night.

Yesterday was the Bayou City Classic. I had hoped to run in under an hour (for the first time), but it was not to be. I have never had such terrible breathing problems after a race. My chest was tight all of Saturday. Not only was I wheezing and couldn't feel that I could take a deep breath, but I have been coughing up yellow phlegm. The good news about that is that the congestion is on its last legs. The bad news is that I'm congested. Today was better.

I ran my 10k in 1:01:53. At least it was under a 10 minute pace overall. I suspect if there hadn't been the Memorial Bridge, I'd have made it in under an hour.

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