Monday, February 4, 2008


Today was the first day of Spring Track. I got there a bit later than usual . . . and then I had to write the check and fill out the paperwork. Then, there was no tp in the blue house, so I had to walk back to the table to get some. Still, I got to park in my favorite spot. There were lots of new faces and some that have returned after a hiatus.

I got Pamela W. to run over Waugh on the trail down to Shepherd and over the bridge. I saw Robert pull up and then we passed him near the Graveyard. It took us about 14 minutes . . . about a minute slower than would be ideal, but that's ok since we were able to chat the whole way. Plus, when we arrived at the hill, there were't very many people there yet.

Kathryn was hoping it'd be 8 minutes with 5 minutes rest. It was 2 x 10 minutes with 5 minutes rest, but I think we got an extra minute rest. I sorta lost count, but I think I made it up 12 hills each set (but not back down to the start). Of course, I waited and started at the very back of the pack (so I could pass people). I did this work out sans HRM and Garmin. I suspect I'll need Garmin for the time trial on Wednesday. Not looking forward to that. It looks like the Wednesday workouts are going to be rather long--5-8 miles.

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