Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Where was the rain?

I'm convinced that it only rains on Tuesdays. I was supposed to go have a body fat test. When I told Lee that it was complementary, he asked if it really was. I had to agree that it might not be flattering, but at least it was free. Unfortunately, I am NOT rushing around in rain any more. I've had too many bad experiences. So, I asked him to cancel the appointment. Plus, the trainer wanted me to get there at 12:30. I knew I couldn't make it by then. I ended up doing some shopping instead before getting to the office. Fortunately, I'd parked at ACB. Unfortunately, it was more than 3 hours.

I was pretty tired after getting up this morning. I actually started getting ready, but then crawled back into bed. I dozed a bit, so that works. Guess it means I needed the sleep. Actually, I didn't wake up until 6:08--the time I should have been in the pool. I guess I'll try to go on Friday. If it had rained like it was supposed to, I might have had a more valid excuse for not swimming.

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